smlm g persada jb....ada PC Fair...
rmai gler org yg dtg...
aq g sne skjap jerk....cuci2 mata tgk gajed..
lpas tu dh bli semua apa yg ptut, trus kluar...
comey lh cap HP ni...hehehe..
then sbb lme sgt nk tggu ayah n abg aq, so aq n mak aq g Kotaraya jap...bli air...
lpas tu dh blik dr Kotaraya ayah aq ajak plak singgah The Zon (Stulang JB)...
mse nk onda way g sne, x nk mcm sesak plak jln....
rupa2 nyer time bdk skolh Fon Yew (x tau lh btul x aq eja ni...) blik skolah dh....
gler ur skolh ni....blik dia x nk mcm lmbt plak...huhuhu
then smpai kt The Zon aq ape lg cri coklat lh....
then lpas tu bli ice cream McFlurry....
hey...i'm not ready to take pic yet...
eat McFlurry....yummy..
lpas dh g The Zon ingt kn nk trus ayah aq palak ajak g mkn kt Restaurants ZZ....
mse smpai kt sne tgh rushing ur msuk restaurants tu....
ada artis lh kt situ...
nk tau x sape artis tu....artis yg byk kontroversi....
hah org nyer ialah....Akhil Hayy n his new wife....Waheeda....
waheeda skrang dh b'purdah.....nmpk mate jerk...
tp kesian gak aq tgk si Waheeda ni....nk mkn kne selak2 len dh abis mkn, dia x abis2 lg aq respect ur dia...walaupun dia juz mak tiri jerk pd anak2 Akhil, tp dia close gler aq
tgk dgn ank Akhil yg gurl...
k that all 4 now..
1 ulasan:
i'm love it..
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