event : Facon Education Fair
vanue : PERSADA Johor Intl Convention Centre
date : Dec 11-12
time : 12 noon - 4pm
huh....td aq g tmpt tu....sje nk tgk2 nk survey u yg menawarkan course2 yg aq minat...
tp mse kt situ aq tgk most of it IPTS...tp ada gak lh IPTA....yg aq perasan ada 2 jerk IPTA iaitu Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) n Universiti Malaya (UM)....
best lh gak...sbb kt situ kite bleh tanye psl course2 yg ditawarkn....n kt situ pun kite bleh tgk nme2 IPT yg kite x pnh tau pun kewujudan nye...hehehe....tp klu dh IPTS tu phm2 jerk lh...of course mkn duit....huhuhu....
tp mse kt Persada tu aq jmpe ex-classmate aq mse skolh Senai nme dia Thanesh Kumar....wah ingt lg aq erk....hehehe....tp x bual ngan dia pun...juz lmbai2 tgn jerk....huhuhu
memandangkan aq g tgh ari....so it should be lunch time right??? hehehe...so aq ngan family aq g lh plak KotaRaya....mkn kt Kebayan...aka...food court lh....
mse kt situ pun aq t'serempak ngan someone yg aq knl....kli ni aq t'serempak ngan schoolmate aq....1boy n 1gurl....x tau lh couple ke ape....tp.....ntah lh....I don't want to comment about it... siapa mereka biarlh rahsia....hehehe....
dh abis mkn, kite org 1 family gerak plak ke Jusco Tebrau....peh...mse smpai sne x nk mcm ramai giler plak org.....owh yer....Krismas SHOPPING...hehehe....huh plus ada YES (year end sale)....i like....tp x shopping pun....sbb tet.......hehehe...
then dh abis shopping ape lg blik ur....smpai umah ngam2 azan Maghrib...hehehe...
so kpd spe yg nk futher study especially ke IPTS bleh lh join Facon Edu Fair klu nk tau tmpt2 nyer bleh klik SINI
or ke http://www.faconex.com
kpd org JB yg t'lepas don't worry....next year dlm bln March pun event ni ada lg...juz log on to the web site k....
k that all from me now...
k bye...
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